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Zhang Zhijun, president of the Maritime Association, investigate in Suzhou
News  | 2022-08-25
Firm confidence to cultivate Suzhou to achieve high -quality development
Zhang Zhijun investigated in Suzhou

Today, Zhang Zhijun, president of the Cross -Strait Relations Association, and his party investigated in Suzhou to investigate the production and operation status of Taiwanese capital enterprises. He discussed with Taiwanese businessmen and listened to work suggestions. bless. Cao Lubao, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, accompanied the investigation.

Zhang Zhijun and his party first came to kinglong Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. to investigate. The company is the only test subsidiary of Jingyuan Electronics in China. In Suzhou for 20 years, various businesses have achieved great development. The second manufacturer located in Dushu Lake is about to start construction. level. The company's revenue from January to June this year was 809 million yuan, an increase of 30.02%year -on -year. Zhang Zhijun carefully asked the company's production capacity, orders, and products, and entered the workshop to investigate the production line production status, encouraging the person in charge of the enterprise to firmly develop confidence, deeply cultivate Suzhou, further enhance research and development capabilities, and achieve higher quality development.

Shin Kong Tiandi Suzhou is the second store opened by Shin Kong Sanyue Department Store on the mainland. Since its opening in 2015, the turnover has shown an annual increasing situation. Zhang Zhijun and his party came to the mall's sky kitchen, garden terrace, beautiful market, and various customers to investigate, and asked the shopping mall's passenger flow situation, and praised the modern garden -style shopping environment of the mall. Continue to optimize services and achieve better development. Subsequently, Zhang Zhijun and his party came to the Suzhou City Association to visit the staff of the association, held a symposium, communicated with Taiwanese business representatives, and thoroughly reached the difficulties encountered by the pulse enterprises in the development.

Since the beginning of this year, in the face of the continuous impact of the complex and changeable external environment and the new crown epidemic, the majority of Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan -enterprise and Suzhou have watched and helped and had a difficult time. The Taiwan capital economy maintained a stable growth momentum. In the first half of the year, Suzhou established 182 new Taiwanese enterprises, and actually used Taiwan capital of 477 million US dollars. Up to now, Suzhou has approved a total of 1,2915 Taiwanese -funded enterprises, with a total investment of 126.7 billion US dollars, a wide range of registered contracts of US $ 87.9 billion, and actual Taiwan capital was 35.2 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 20%of the city's overseas investment, accounting for the province's use of Taiwan. 50%of the capital.

In his speech, Zhang Zhijun expressed his sincere gratitude to the positive contribution of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the Soviet Union enterprises for the development of the local economic and social development, and praised and affirmed the results of the Suzhou City Association's work. Zhang Zhijun said that we will continue to adhere to the concept of "a family on both sides of the strait", create a better business environment, further promote the effectiveness of various types of measures to land, and let the majority of Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan -enterprise operating and deepening development on the mainland. It is hoped that while the Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan compatriots have achieved high -quality development, they will actively play an advantage, and jointly contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and to promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations and the unified motherland.

Shen Mi, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Suzhou Industrial Park, and Pan Guoqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary -General, accompanied the investigation.

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